Working Saturday

Tim and his mum had a great day: going to the Zoo and then a boat trip.

I had a rather miserable day, trying to work in the library. I am a person of habit though, and I like a certain amount of consistency in my life. In the BL, this is shown by the fact that I like to have the same seat in the reading room if possible. All the seats are numbered, so that when you collect your books you have to give them your seat number. Getting the best seats is an art – at least to me. It shouldn’t be too close to the door (you don’t want all the people running by), but at the same time not too far away; it should be close to the delivery counter (especially if you have loads of books to carry), but not too close so you can hear all the chatting people etc. Also, I like seats with ‘good’ numbers. I know it sounds really odd, but I like numbers that sound good in my head. Today I was on 252. That’s a good one. Nice and even, and easy to remember. 251 next to me is not. The other day I was on 234. That is (obviously) a good one, too. 233 on my right was rubbish, but 235 on my left could work. (Rainman, anyone?) I fear I am turning into a freak! (But then I try and remember a discussion Elise once had about her seeing numbers in colours, and then I feel quite normal again. Sorry Elise, I’m sure it’s quite useful to have the colour-memory thing! I’ll make it up to you: your book is now on its way. It was posted yesterday!)

1 comment:

Elise said...

Well, what can I say other than agree that 252 is a good number - and not just for the colours!
By the way, I am looking forward to a Eurovision-comment here soon. Most of my favourites did not do that well.