Yesterday turned out really good! It was a bit overcast, but that was quite nice, since it was rather hot and humid anyway. Loads of people in Greenwich, but we still managed to get a fairly quiet spot in the Observatory Park. Elena was really sweet, and it was great to see Peter again. We had loads to eat and drink, and no, I did not fall asleep. Actually, I'm quite disappointed with my predictions. Hardly even got one right. Yes, I could not sleep last night - but that wasn't so much due to fretting over my thesis, but rather because of Tim's snoring. And Tim did not get sunburned, but he got a slight tan (and seems to still want to go to Morocco. Hooray!).
Greenwich is really green and pretty, although slightly touristy. We were earlier thinking about looking for a flat in the area, but I think we came to the conclusion last night that it is quite far out. I don't mind sitting on the tube for half an hour, but having to use both the DLR (Dockland's Light Railways) and the tube is a bit too much. Oh well, time will tell.
I have, however, discovered one really great thing about having a blog. Tim is sooo paranoid about me writing about him (i.e. that I'll write how bad he actually is), that he has started to wait on me non-stop. It's really convenient. If I want him to do something for me, I just start blogging and he'll drop everything else and do it. And this morning he's already told me 20 times how good I look and how much he loves me, in fear of ending up here... Oh, this was a good decision of mine...!
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