Names and plans

Today, for the first time ever, I was called Angela. Quite odd really, since I've been called basically everything imaginable before (and I'm not including anything rude here) but never that, even though it is so obvious. Over the years I have picked up a few favourites. Ingrid is of course the most common variant (largely thanks to my parents lack of imagination), although Ursula isn't unheard of either! The funniest Swedish one is otherwise probably Ingerla (Lisen should know who I am thinking of). In the States it was many variants of Ingy (Ingie, Inky, Inkie, Pinky etc.), which is kind of cute. The funniest one in England so far is Ingemar. Someone - now in my family! - apparently only knew of one Swedish name. (Who cares about gender anyway?! Go queer theory!) So, today I celebrate a new name! (As a small preparation for my real name day on Monday. *hint, hint*)

Anyway, the plan for the rest of day is to go with husband (yeay! he can take time off again!) to Greenwich for a picnic together with Peter and his girlfriend Elena. (Tim is very excited, since we are the first ones who are allowed to meet her!)

My predictions for the day are:
1) I'll fall asleep by 2 o'clock thanks to the great combination of sun and champagne.
2) I'll make up for it by staying awake all night agonizing about the fact that I should have been working all day.
3) Tim will get terribly burnt, will curse the sun and cancel our trip to Morocco.

No, I'm looking forward to it. Greenwich is really nice (although I fear it might be a bit too popular on a good day like this), and it is supposed to be the nicest day of the year so far. Will keep you posted!

PS: Happy birthday, dad! Hope you're having a great day in Venice!!!

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