Swedish dinner

We were hanging out in a pub in Waterloo, after having paid a visit to the hospital again. Tim asked about the dinner. A Swedish one, tonight, as we had bought loads of meatballs. I was making an attempt to have Tim speak Swedish:
I: So, what are we having for dinner?
T: Köttbullar [meatballs].
I: And?
T: Potatis [potatoes].
I: And?
T: Gräddsås [creamy sauce].
I: And?
T: Eeeeh, wine?
I: No, I was thinking of a bärprodukt [berry product].
T: Eeeeh, stones?

Ha ha ha! I just had to laugh out load. Where did that come from? But I soon got my explaination, when I worked out that Tim thought I said bergprodukt [mountain product]. It was lingonberry jam I had in mind, but stones were definitely more innovative!


We have - once again - been cat sitting for a week. Except for the one time throwing up on the middle of our already manky living room carpet (when Tim wasn't home, what else is new?!), Jim the cat has been just adorable. Cuddly, constantly purring, not very demanding, snuggly. So much so that when Tim annoyingly (obviously he doesn't get all the attention any more) suggested we turn him in to a cushion it almost sounded like a good idea. He's so soft and smells nice too (except for when he gets excited and drools, which really stinks) that the thought of him as a constant accessory on the couch was almost tempting for a bit. But no, tomorrow he's going back upstairs, and it'll be incredibly empty down in the dungeons.

More celebrations

Couldn't be more relieved - yesterday my thesis was sent off to the printers. Or, rather it was sent late the night before, but was cleared with the staff yesterday. I feel like I have been hit by a jackhammer, for several reasons; because I have hardly slept the last few days, I am truly mentally exhausted, I went out last night to celebrate with my darling Reynir, who had his viva and passed his doctorate. It was a great night out - Reynir had thrown a small party with loads of wine. Tim and I sneaked off in order to have dinner. Bought ourselves two cop hats on the way back (proper 'bobby' style) - which turned out to be the best spent 4 pounds in a long time. Everyone loved them, and Tim loved walking around, feeling important (nothing new there), saying 'Evening, all' and 'Hello hello hello' to everyon we met. Tried to meet up with sweet Emelie, who I haven't seen in ages, afterwards, but lost her on the way, at the same time as my phone died. Bad combination, but probably wise in the end.

The evening can basically be summarized in this picture:

Tonight we are calming down our nerves by going to see the latest Harry Potter movie (first time visit to the local Brixton cinema).