More good news! Tim was giving a paper last week on charity in the middle ages (for a whole lot of lords and ladies with lots of money). Apparently he did a pretty good job because one of them asked him to come and do his Christmas party! (An offer Tim gently declined.)

Anyway, one really good thing came out of it - and that's that we have been asked to go to York in August. Tim has promised to give a speech on a manuscript fragment which is relevant for one of the local monasteries, and we will get to see the ruins of
Jervaulx Abbey, built in 1156. We will be staying next door, with the lord who owns it. So, free trip to York for us! Hooray!!!
Also, we have been promised that they are going to hold a dinner party for us. I am already panicking about what to wear, and Tim is sighing a lot. But according to Tim, I do not have to worry: academics are considered strange and weird, and so I can get away with anything. What a relief!
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