
In desperate need of ideas here. Going to a fancy dress party on Friday (I think it's St George's day), and the theme is 'reminds me of England'. I don't have much time to make a costume, or the money to buy a fancy one, so I could really use a few suggestions. The people I am going with are all American (dressed up as Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter, Ginger Spice and one of the characters from Sweeny Todd), and as I think there will be many Americans, it should probably be someone (something) that is widely known (so no obscure TV profiles). The alternatives so far: the Queen (present one), queen Victoria (now, that will need quite a dress), Vicky Pollard (from Little Britain), one of the other Spice girls, Elton John (!), English policeman ('Bobby') or school girl in uniform (not sure I want to go for that naughty look though). Any other ideas? Come on, please be creative!


Elise said...

Well, I do love the queen. (Present one.) And Elton John as well.
But what about Braveheart? I know he was not English, but fighting them, so that would remind anyone of England... and you do have a blue eye shadow (or two)? It would be a spectacular costume!
You could also be Guinevere. Either the medieval version, the elvish version or the "Look-at-my-natural-look-with-protruding-lips-and-leather-bikini-costume"-Guinevere of the movie King Arthur. (Yes, I am describing Keira Knightley.)
Winnie the Poo? (Or any of his friends. You could team up with Tim and be the donkey.)
Or, I know: Miss Marple! Bring some knitting-in-progress and ask people questions all evening!

Arga Anna said...

Peter Pan, Sherlock Holmes, något ur Jane Austen, något ur Narnia, annars så instämmer jag med föregående talare, Nalle Puh har massa skoj för maskeraden.

Ingy said...

Elise: not sure Braveheart would go down well with the English crowd. And not too keen on the 'bikini-look'.
Winnie might be an option, though. (But Tim's not going.)

Anna: Sherlock is a good idea!