
The weekend was great in many ways, but not for my poor little laptop. I've had problems with it for about a year now, and it all comes down to some problems with installing updates for Microsoft Office. And since Office is a program which you don't really want to mess around with too much (at least not while writing a phd) I have left it until now... Well, seems every time the laptop starts up these updates (14 of them!) try to install themselves - every time ending in failure. I now assume that these unsuccessful updates are stored on the computer, because the Windows Installer-folder now exceeds 44 Gb! Which, frankly, is quite big. Basically, that's more than all the normal files I have on this computer (program folder excluded). I also ran a virus scan (just in case), which showed that there were more than 7 000 000 files in that folder (and then I gave up the scanning)! No wonder it is amazingly slow, and keeps freezing. So, I have now written to the uni computer guys, asking for advice (and that is part of the problem - the computer being bought through the uni means I don't have the rights - or disks - to do everything), and bought a 1Tb external hard drive. Back up copies, here I come. And if you don't hear from me in a while, then I might just have ruined this laptop by trying to re-install everything myself...

(Pic from Wulffmorgenthaler, who are incredibly non-pc, and very funny.)

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