
Fancy Cambridge college dinner coming up tomorrow... Accommodation, almost check. Train tickets, check. Make up, check. Jewelery, check. Shoes, check. Shawl, check. Dress, absolutely not even close to a check. Oups! I think I know what I will be doing tomorrow morning...

Btw, today realized one of the greatest things with being an adult: you can buy any toilet paper you want to! Just so you know.


Stora I said...

Hope the dinner turned ut nice, I´m sure you looked perfect :-) Fia and I went to Uppsala, Wall-E in english. Funny, several laught but also an important message. Our favorite was the short movie before, a cute rabbit and his magicer.

Ingy said...

Hej! Så kul att se dig här! Jag såg helt ok ut.
Själv väntar jag på att filmen ska komma på DVD... Sevärd, alltså?!

Lena said...

Wall-E rekommenderas varmt. Helst utan smabarn som sallskap. :)