Competition for Tim

I've got a new boyfriend. He's great. Beautiful, black, thick hair (none of Tim's thinning). Never a hard word. Likes a good meal and relaxing with me on the sofa. Is always really happy to see me when I get in. His name is Jim.

Yes, we are cat-sitting this week. And it is quite nice! Tim is working a lot, so it feels good to have someone to come home to. We both like Jim, really. And I fear we spoil him quite a bit (I'm not sure he'll want to go back upstairs after this stay). We even let him sleep on our bed... (I happen to know he's not even allowed in the bedroom upstairs.) But it takes a little time to get used to having 'something' there. Although Jim is more like a puppy than an old cat. This morning, Tim complained about Jim following him around all the time.

-Well, have you fed him? I asked
-Oh, yeah, that's why he kept staring at the kitchen!

Well done, Sherlock!

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