Pure joy

So, here it is, my new little baby:

Oh, it's such a super toy (yes, the geek alert is on)! I had been rather jealous of Tim's Blackberry for days, but we were both about to cancel our old contracts (lousy Vodafone!)... so, there was nothing to stop me, really. I'm in love - step aside, Jim (now also known as Stinkface, aka Puke-atron [his Transformers name])! There's nothing this baby can't do (except making coffee, possibly).

I still have to work on the camera, the pictures come out fairly blueish (although that might just be on the screen, I'm experimenting by sending stuff to Flickr, but haven't had time to check it out yet), and the Sync application won't work with Thunderbird (bloody Outlook!), so transferring contacts have proved to be a long, slow process. Finally found some weird application that could sync both with Thunderbird and Lightning. Yay! (Although, admittedly, I somehow ended up with double or even triple entries of most contacts - I suspect it also synced with gmail...) Also, obviously no Scandinavian characters. Worked out how to get most of them, but am still without a decent 'å'. Tried to work out how to add on new fonts, but got a bit bored of it.

Yes, there are loads of features that I have no idea what they are for, or I doubt I'll ever use (voice dialling being one of them), but some of them are just too cool for school. My favourite is the remote control. It can be used to navigate the 'pointer' in Windows, and I am sooo going to use that when giving my lecture in Linköping next week. Hi tech power point, here I come! (Oh, should probably write that lecture...)

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