Another weekend gone

Great weekend with the Norwegians. Friday was mostly spent on Oxford Street, running in and out of all the shops. I was behaving well, and did not buy anything, although I found a new shoe shop which I will definitely pay a visit to as soon as I get money (that really sucks with being unemployed – there’s no way you can save up to anything!). Very late pub lunch and the obligatory pint, more shopping, and then heading home. Tim cooked us an excellent duck, served with all the proper English things (though we skipped the Yorkshire pudding – but I swear, one day I’ll learn how to make them. Mmmmm), especially my new favourite – roasted parsnips. We played board games (our new London game) and drank far too much wine. Saturday was spent in Camden town. Perfect, sunny day, and lots of crazy stuff to look at. Unfortunately, we had dinner in a very overpriced and not very nice restaurant in Covent garden (not our choice), but ended the evening on an upbeat – watching Blades of Glory (Tim’s favourite). Eili and Tonje left at an ungodly hour this morning, while Tim and I had the luxury of going back to bed for another few hours. Then we went in to town to pick up a few papers for Tim. Had a well deserved burger for dinner (ah, don’t you love Sundays?!), and a walk through St. James’ park on the way home. I was oohing and aaahing over the squirrels, as always. Also stopped in Zavvi on the way (hm, do we see a pattern here?), and invested in a few movies. Two each. Tim picked the latest two Alien/Predators ones. So we have now just wasted almost two hours on Alien vs. Predator. Don’t see it. Or, if you do, rent it – don’t buy it. I actually quite liked the Predator movies, but this was pure crap! Oh, well. At least I have a Harry Potter movie and Gladiator to look forward to…


Asynja said...

Jag har kommit på att Yorkshire pudding är som fläskpannkaka (som jag lagade till middag idag mums), fast utan fläsk då. Gör smet, värm en väloljad jumbomuffin form i ugnen, i med smeten när det bubblar och snabbt som 17 in i ugnen igen...bör funka...i teorin iaf...typ...har inte provat själv. :)

Ingy said...

Hmmmm. Det har du iofs rätt i. Märkligt, egentligen, för jag har aldrig gillat ugnspannkaka! Men i dessa sammanhang blir man lite feg. Med en svärmor med eget hemligt recept osv... Det blir ju lite att leva upp till. Men kanske man borde ompröva ugnspannkakor. Jag kanske har blivit vuxen och tycker om det nu?

Asynja said...

Alla engelsmän av rang, eller åtminstånde de med anknytning till berörda regioner (typ norra england) har ett hemligt recept på Yorkshire pudding. Men ärligt -hur svårt kan det vara? Glorifierad ungspannkaka säger jag ;)

ps. är ju sur idag och tar ut det över allt och alla. Ta kommentar med nypa salt ;) ds.