I still do get quite a lot of questions about my PhD thesis, although of a slightly different kind than before. It used to be: is it finished yet? Now: when will you have your viva (i.e. defense)? Up til now I haven't really been able to say anything, but I have now been informed about the situation. My committee (which took forever to put together, because no one wanted to read it, ha ha, I don't blame them) has asked for an extension so that they will have enough time to read it through thoroughly. Their new deadline is end of May, which makes a viva before the summer impossible (the viva normally set to about 6 weeks after the committee's 'review'). So, at the moment it seems as if I have to wait til the end of August... Getting these news at first made me really cross ('lazy people - they should be able to read it quicker!') and then rather depressed. Not that it really changes anything, and it's not like I have a job depending on when I get my degree, but it still feels as is life is on hold. I had the summer as a mental 'stepping stone', when this would finish and something new begin. And it is, admittedly, a bit disappointing to know it will take so long, but I am grown up (at least sometimes) and realise that there's nothing I can do about it. At the moment, all I can do is wait and see, and hopefully, it will all have a positive outcome.
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