A... hrm... different evning

[Warning: do not read if you are very sensitive!]

Well, this was a bit of an experience... Friday night, we had Katarina over for dinner. Tim cooked a traditional English roast dinner (albeit with chicken), and we stayed up far too late, drinking way too much wine. Tim was probably a bit bored at the end, as Katarina and I gossiped away.

This is mind, Tim and I weren't exactly rise and shine the following morning (although the brave man actually got up to feed Jim the cat, who is staying with us for the next two weeks). We then went to the BL, to do some last work on an article we're writing together (long overdue) and some research in general.

In the end, we had to rush home, as we were having guests over for dinner - my Danish friend Eva, and her boyfriend Hugh.

I had planned to make a vegetarian lasagna and poached pears, but was running seriously late with the cooking. A few minutes to seven - when they were due to arrive - I was still chopping vegetables. And then! Tim discovered something incredibly unpleasant! Jim the cat was not feeling very well. At all! He had 'the runs'. There was liquid s**t everywhere! We panicked. Locked the cat in the bathroom, wiped the kitchen floor, scrubbed the chair, removed all sheets, put the blanket in the laundry basket, scrubbed the wall-to-wall carpet... (Poor cat obviously felt really bad, so decided to hide, which really didn't help us in our cleaning efforts!) Decided to lock the cat in the upstairs kitchen (we have keys to their house, and they have a proper wooden floor), and then scrubbed the bathroom. And mid all this, our guests arrived!

Thank heavens for them being so understanding (Hugh having a cat himself), and we eventually had a very nice dinner - much thanks to Eva's wine collection, which she brought with her, as she is moving back to Denmark. It was all quite a 'different' experience! And it was not improved this morning, when Tim had to go upstairs to check on the cat (who is feeling a lot better), and then give him a bath. Jim was completely covered in it! And he does not like water! So Jim now hates Tim (which, at the moment, I think is mutual) and we are both terrified that he's not fully recovered... Only time will tell!

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