PhD updates

Ok, I better make this official or there will be no pressure. I have now a dead line: the 29th of this month will be the day I hand in (unless I finish early, of course, but that's not even on the map). I cannot work on this another Christmas (or rather, feel guilty for not working on it), and there's no way I will let it drag into another year. Also, on the 29th, my parents are visiting us again, and the fear of my parents (read: mum) is probably the greatest motivation there is. (Who said you ever become independent?!) I figured, that by making it official I feel even more pressure to finish. So, count the days with me, at this time next month I might be a happy woman!


Elise said...

Eg har allerede datoen markert i kalenderen min! Kjør på!

Asynja said...

Jag håller tummarna!

Nyckelpigan said...

Kämpa på vännen!

Lena said...

Noterat! Lycka till!

Ingy said...

Tack för stödet!