Report from the mother country

Oh, I can hear the echo in here... Sorry about that. Being back in Sweden has, as always, been rather chaotic.

Spent the first few days with mum, dad, sister and niece in Göteborg. Forced the rest of the family to take a small detour through Vadstena on the way there, so that I could have a look at the birgittine museum there. They even had a few manuscripts on loan. Very nice! (I could tell the others couldn't care less, but I was really excited. Rather pathetic, come think of it!) Amusement park and museum and good food on the west coast, and then the rest of the week in Stockholm.

I've tried to see as many old friends as possible, and have done a fairly good job. Many of them I had not seen in over a year and a half (I didn't meet up with anyone when we were here at new year's, and I was not back at all last summer), so there was a lot of catching up to do.

I did try to be good as well, and brought the laptop (oh, I can't wait for the day that the laptop wont be my number one accessory), but efficient working time so far? Well, probably not more than 30 minutes.

Tomorrow I'm off early to Skavsta/Nyköping, to pick up Tim (the cheapo-airlines of course never flies to central Stockholm). Then on to the summer house, where we probably will spend the rest of the holiday (although the promise of a friend's birthday party might bring us back for a day or two). It's a bit frightening to be driving again (but very excited that I managed to fill up the gas in the car - for the first time in four years?), especially since someone has removed the aerial so there's no radio. I always, always drive with the radio on. I need music to be able to drive properly. I did try singing to myself when driving to the gas station earlier today, but it just wasn't the same... Luckily, I have bought two new (well, to me at least) CDs, so I hope that at least one of them is good...!

I'm now really looking forward to getting out to the summer house. Tim will sleep and fish, I will play with my new camera (birthday gift from mum and dad - also, Tim's mum, who's a photographer has promised to give me a few lessons later on. Sweet!).

Will try and write a few updates. (And if it rains, there will probably not be anything else to do.)

1 comment:

Lena said...

Vi hanna traffas, vilket mirakel egentligen! Sa kul, kul och jag hoppas resten av Sverige-resan var lugn och go'.