Yes, as the title says: we are now back to reality. And that with a bang! Landed late Sunday night, after having had an amazing last week. Swedish summer at its best. 25-30 degrees Celsius every day, and 22 in the water.Went on small excursions, went fishing (both with fishing rods and with net. I was good at throwing with the rod - too good, actually. One hook got caught on a rock, and we managed to tear of the fishing line. I was secretly happy it wasn't a big pike ['gädda'] though. The net was more rewarding: we got 3 fishes to keep [two flounders, and one silvery big thing, 'Sik' in Swedish, which created a whole bunch of jokes from Tim, e.g. "did he wear a turban?"]. 6 fishes were too small, and were thrown back in, although one of them immediately jumped back into the net, so, 9 or 10 fishes all in all. We had a bet going, and I'm sorry to say my pessimistic guess of 4 did not make me a winner. The lucky winner was my uncle, who guessed on 8.)
Other than that, we mostly relaxed. Were good one day, and assembled a cupboard for the summer house, in midst Tim almost fainted, and had to go and see a doctor. (Something wrong, but not wrong enough, with his ear. It'll go away on its own.) So, we are back to Tim always being sick on holidays! (Israel being the exception to the rule.)
Going back to work on Monday was really depressing, but at least we got the moving boxes delivered. Today we started packing... It is hell! We managed to move with only 18 boxes from Norway, but we seem to have accumulated loads of stuff this last year. We ordered 24 boxes from the removal firm, and, well, it does not seem to be enough. The main problem, of course, is all the books. Filling just the bottom of a box with books makes it too heavy for anything else to go in. In Norway, this was no problem. The removal firm we hired there definitely had no health and safety regulations for the cheap Polish guys they used. Our boxes were twice as full. Now, no box is allowed to weigh more than 20 kg. So we pack, and then unpack, then repack, then unpack etc. etc. etc... First priority tomorrow morning is to try and get hold of book boxes. I wish I could say we have a clever back up plan, but we really don't...
Back to reality
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