Off to Israel

I am pretty sure it will be quite a stressful day today. We are mostly packed, just waiting for the last few things we washed last night to dry. Hopefully a couple of hours in the sun will do the trick.

I will try and write a few more pages. I am sooo close to finishing my last chapter. But I am afraid I will not make it before we leave. Ah, just a few pages left - so annoying, but nothing I can do about it, really. Tim's going to print off some of my chapters, so that I can do some proofreading on the beach (isn't life tough?!), but I am not brining a laptop.

But do not despair. I will not leave you without anything to read. The wonders of the internet has allowed me to prepare a few posts for you while I'm away, so make sure to pop in, and you'll get a bunch of personal posts that I have saved up. (And if I get the chance to get to a computer, I might just try and write a few lines. But photos will come later.)

Ciao for now!

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