In Jerusalem

Quick one, now that we are safe back from strange territory (but very tired). A proper report will follow, but in the meantime:

At the Wailing Wall: Where's Waldo (aka Tim)?


Elise said...

I can see him! White shirt, grey trousers, light beige hat. Happy face. 1/4 up from the bottom, sligthly left of center. Do I win anything? Do I? I'd really like to win something!

Ingy said...

Tim says you can chose between Waldo's sweaty underwear, or a date with 'little Waldo'... (Yes, he is a prevert!)

I say we will give you unlimited beer when you come and visit us...

Elise said...

Wiiiiihiiiii! I think I choose... uhm... let's see... the beer? Though the Waldo-relating prizes were tempting.