Well, this is my working space (when it is not occupied by hubby). Here is almost everything I need - a piece of manuscript, some glue (not to be used on said piece), old candy wrappers, an empty coffee cup, a soft monkey, an empty bottle (from the night before), nail polish, party hats (not from the night before), loads of pens, old batteries and an assortment of happy meal toys. And you wonder why I am no longer very productive? British Library, everything is forgiven - I will come back!
Well, this is my working space (when it is not occupied by hubby). Here is almost everything I need - a piece of manuscript, some glue (not to be used on said piece), old candy wrappers, an empty coffee cup, a soft monkey, an empty bottle (from the night before), nail polish, party hats (not from the night before), loads of pens, old batteries and an assortment of happy meal toys. And you wonder why I am no longer very productive? British Library, everything is forgiven - I will come back!
Is there something wrong with me?
A new pet?
The black box
A runner
Who's who?
I know I have blogged about it once before, but at the moment I just cannot emphasize enough how much a love the fact that people share their itunes libraries freely with others. (Mine, of course, is strictly personal.) Today I spent the day listening to someone’s ‘Arabic groove’ (their words, not mine). Brilliant! Firstly, it is actually very groovy (can one still say that, without being stuck in the 60s?) and very easy to listen to. Secondly, there’s no way I can sing along (highly embarrassing if done aloud) and I can’t even sit and listen to the words, as they mean absolutely nothing to me. Perfect for working!
Normally you can group people’s libraries into one of three categories: the senior academic (listens to classical and occasionally some jazz, the most modern stuff they have is ABBA), the fresh BA student (listens mainly to pop/rock, usually pretty mainstream) and then the ‘alternative’ phd student (who is trying to be a bit more ‘deep’ and ‘difficult’ than the average person – he or she is, after all, doing some serious research – and thus won’t have anything from the hit lists in the library). Of course these can also be divided into subgroups, and a good bit of gender and queer theory could be applied to it, but I am trying to keep it simple here.
I was thus very surprised when I the other day came across someone’s library, which mostly consisted of Disney music! I looked around. Who is this person? I came up with four possible explanations: 1) a stressed parent (most likely the mother) is sharing a laptop with the kids, 2) someone is doing a major research project on the importance of music in Disney stories (I was, after all, sitting in the Rare books and music reading room), 3) someone in my alternative group has gone way too alternative, or 4) Disney music has suddenly become retro cool (I definitely wouldn’t know) and someone from the young student group is like the hippest person around. Go figure!
Daily wonderings
You know it is going to be a good day...
Happy anniversary
So, Tim has since walked round singing Girl from Ipanema, and other evergreens. Who said marriage is boring?
Happy anniversary, sugar. You make my life an adventure!
The latest invention
Tim and I sat on the bus on the way to Bar Boulud, a very swanky restaurant in Knightsbridge. I had just put on some lipgloss, when Tim wanted a kiss.
- Mmmm, he smiled happily. (Not that it was flavoured or anything - you do not have to imagine any retro 80s stuff here - but it probably had some faint fruity scent.)
- Yeah, I smiled back (thinking it is pretty nice to have a husband who still occasionally likes to give you a kiss, even in public.)
- Fruit, he said. You know, they should make those in flavoures that boys like, then we could kiss you all the time. Like beer! Or tikka massala.[Oh, God!] Then you could have one on the upper lip and another one on the lower and it would be like a great meal!
- Eh... Yeah...
- Or cheese and onion! I really like cheese and onion!
Test of the day.

This just came through our letter box. First of all, I am very impressed how they legitimize buying pizza by claiming it is healthy. Secondly, I love their selection of veggies. Spot the odd one out, anyone?
Experiences from the tube
A different kind of cultural clash
One of those calls
Stating the obvious
Time to celebrate
Just one wish
I cannot say it enough (especially not after the horrendous winter of this year) - England has some lovely seasons and really great whether (believe it or not!). It's not even May, and I am already enjoying sitting in garden in only shorts and t-shirt. (Having said that, I'll bet the summer will rain away...)
Public transport
But then there are those little things which makes it a bit easier. Like being given a box of chocolates from Beligum.
Just add to the burden
Itsy bitsy...
Please call more often
-Good afternoon. Is doctor B there?
-Which one?
Hahahahaha! Oh, that feels good. (And this, folks, is probably the only use I will ever get of that title, so I am bloody well going to enjoy it!)
Numbers - gaaah!
Back to life, back to reality
Then off to the BL across the street. It is almost frightening to see how little has changed since I was last here a few (2-3?) months ago. The same people are still hanging out (read: work) in the reading room: the possible transvestite, the frumpy woman who seems to know everyone, the bloke with the beaky nose, and so on. A few new faces among the members of staff; but the anorectic looking one is still alice (thank God, I quite like her), the little fat one too, the old guy hasn't retired yet, and even the two super grumpy ones were smiling and joking. It feels quite good to be back. In my post-finishing-my-degree-semi-depression I had totally forgotten how exciting the research can be, and how I love the material I am working with.
Now, the countdown for post doc applications has begun...