Rainy day

Today's super plan was to bring my laptop to the nearest Starbuck's (where is that? Victoria? Waterloo?) and sit and feel city cool, and drink one of their new Christmas lattes, and possibly work a bit. But it is pissing down outside. So instead I am at home, drinking a home made Caramel cappuccino - hoping that last year's Christmas Nespresso is still ok (surely it must be - there can't really be a best before date on coffee, can there?). Also looking out the window, hoping that the grey-brownish thing right outside is two snails mating, and not a big cat turd (or fox? When is mating season for snails, anyway?). Admittedly, not as city chic as I had pictured...

1 comment:

Lena said...

Oooh, we have rainy days too. They aren't fun at all.