
We're finally back in London. These last few days have been a hell of snot and pain and fever and coughs and all the bad stuff. I am actually still amazed I managed to get on the plane (and Tim was very stressed about whether they would let me or not). It feels pretty lousy that all week was slept away in some fevery state, but there was really no option. But I try to see it from the bright side - I must have the fittest stomach muscles ever, from all that coughing. Beach season here I come!

Upgrading a card, downgrading oneself

Was late to the BL today. (Feels like I am constantly late, these days.) Knew I should manage to renew my reader's pass and order the books I so desperately needed just before the last delivery time for books. But of course - got stuck on the tube (what is it with me and the tube?). Ran in to the library. Got my card. Opened up my suuuper slow laptop. Logged in to the library's booking system. Had to re-register, since I had a new card. Looked up the books. Clicked 'order' - and alas! I was 1 minute too late! ONE flipping little minute! So no books today. Grrrr!
The only good thing was, that I now am allowed to hold a 3-year reader's pass, rather than the (for students) standard 1-year. Yay! But of course I couldn't be happy. For, being in such a panic, I forgot to change the details on my new library card. So, I'm still Mrs B, rather than Dr. And now I have to live with that for three years! Gaaaah! It just has not been my day, today.

It's a girl!

Congratulations, Elise and Henrik! I cannot wait to see little baby B.

(Penguins - great babysitters! - from